Why do They Wear That?

Sister M. Maris Stella, Sister Mary Elizabeth, Sister Mary James and Sister M. Caterina
We get the question all the time..."Why does she wear white?" "Didn't you wear grey yesterday?" And even more profoundly "Why do you still wear a habit?"

People recognize us by our habit, but the variability of the colors does puzzle them. Here are the answers to the puzzle.

We wear religious garb, a "habit," for several reasons. The habit provides an instant witness to Jesus Christ and our consecration to Him. We can be anywhere and it can be any time of the day; we can be thinking of anything -- and people who see us instantly think of Jesus. People come up to us at the grocery store, in parking lots, when taking a walk down the street -- and ask us to pray for a family member. They may have a question about the Catholic faith: one woman recently accosted a Sister in the library parking lot and, without preamble, asked "Why do Catholics worship saints?"

The habit also witnesses to our particular community. You will notice that all of the Sisters, no matter the color, wear the same "style" of habit and veil. This style of habit is worn by all of the Sisters in our American Province.

Oh yes, that brings up another point: technical terms of the "pieces" of the "outfit." The dress is the "habit;" the shield-like piece at the top is the "scapular" and the headdress is the "veil."

Now for the color scheme: Sister M. Maris Stella is shown in white habit and veil, with a crucifix. Sister is a professed Sister (she has pronounced vows) and is working as a CNA. Our Sisters who work in nursing, care for small children or the kitchen wear white as their work habit. The crucifix signifies that Sister has made her vows.

Sister Mary Elizabeth is shown wearing a black habit and veil, with a crucifix. You cannot see it in the picture, but she is also wearing a gold wedding band on her left hand. Black is our formal habit and we wear it on Sundays, holy days and formal occasions. The ring signifies that Sister has made her vows forever.

Sister Mary James is shown wearing the formal black habit, but a white veil and no crucifix. Sister is a novice - just starting out. She has been in the community just over two years. She is not wearing a crucifix because she has not yet professed her vows.

Sister M. Caterina is shown wearing a grey habit, black veil and crucifix. This is the regular work attire of our professed Sisters.

In all that we do, we want to make visible the Lord. Our habit helps us to do that, even when we are distracted.


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